Breast Cancer Screening
We encourage breast screening, and advise starting at the age of 40 years, with 18-monthly mammograms. The advice on intervals between screening varies, depending on individual mammogram results. Sometimes annual screening is recommended, particularly if you have dense breasts. In some patients screening with ultrasound and/or MRI may also be advised. We feel that the NHS three yearly mammogram screening is too long.
Cervical smears
We recommend annual smears, combined with testing for human papilloma virus (HPV) as 99% of cervical cancer is associated with HPV. We encourage HPV vaccination for teenagers as well as adults up to 40 years of age, both girls and boys should be immunised. HPV is also associated with other cancers of the pharynx and throat as well as genital warts. We advise that the first smear is at the age of 20 or two years after first having sexual intercourse.
Pregnancy and deliveries
Over the years, we have worked successfully with our team of specialist obstetricians with great benefits. We tend to favour deliveries in the private wings of NHS hospitals in order to gain the benefits of both systems.
This area is of particular interest and we work with a leading endocrinologist considering both conventional HRT and body identical hormones.
Ovarian Cancer Screening
Often ovarian cancer presents late, with patients experiencing little in the way of symptoms until the disease is advanced. Despite conflicting evidence as to the benefits of screening many patients will choose to have these tests.
Consultant – Lisa Webber